A Guide on Minimizing Risks of Installing Solar Panels

Solar panels are a great solution to cut energy costs and be environmentally responsible. However, there are common mistakes to watch out for during installation that can prove pricey or risky. A solar setup is strong when all parts are right, so it is important to make sure that you do not make these mistakes.

As per Solar Feeds, the United States is set to more than double its current count of solar installations within the next five years. This makes it even more important to ensure that people are aware of the risks of installing solar panels. This blog discusses solar panel installation mistakes and how to prevent them.

Reasons for the Growing Popularity of Solar Panel Installation

According to CBS News, the number of Americans utilizing solar power is projected to increase by three times by 2030. Solar panels are gaining popularity for several key reasons. Solar panel costs have dropped significantly by over 12% between 2020 and 2021. This trend is expected to continue, making solar more budget-friendly over time. As more individuals recognize the financial advantages, more people show interest in installing solar systems. Also, environmental concerns are on the rise, prompting more individuals to adopt renewable energy, like solar power. Considering these strong motivations, many consider transitioning to solar panels a logical choice.

Common Mistakes to Avoid & Minimize Risks of Installing Solar Panels

Installing solar panels is a great decision, but there are a few important factors to consider when buying solar panels. Let us explore the most commonly made mistakes and ways to minimize the risks of solar panels.

Compromising Quality

Choosing the cheapest option for solar panels might seem tempting, but it often results in poor-quality components and subpar performance. Sacrificing quality for a lower upfront cost can lead to decreased efficiency, higher maintenance expenses, and shorter lifespan. To avoid this mistake, focus on balancing cost-effectiveness and high-quality components. Research reputable solar panel manufacturers and installation companies to ensure you’re getting both value and performance.

Trying DIY

DIY does work well in certain repair services. However, installing solar panels isn’t a DIY task. Attempting a DIY solar panel installation may save money initially, but it can lead to expenditures down the line. Professional installers have the expertise and experience to perform complex electrical work and handle permit requirements. Skipping professional installation can result in safety hazards, inefficient energy production, and potential legal issues. Always prioritize the expertise of trained professionals for a seamless and safe installation process.

Missing Site Assessment

A thorough site assessment is essential to determine the optimal placement and angle of solar panels for maximum energy production. Failing to assess shading, roof orientation, and local weather patterns can lead to decreased efficiency and lower energy output. Working with an experienced solar installer ensures your panels are positioned optimally to capture the most sunlight throughout the day.

Ignoring Warranty and Support

Choosing solar panels with a robust warranty and reliable customer support is vital for long-term peace of mind. In a situation of technical issues or component failures, a strong warranty protects you from unexpected repair costs. Thoroughly review warranty terms, coverage periods, and support options before finalizing your solar panel purchase. It is important to check the warranty of solar panels to avoid problems in the future.

Not Assessing Space Accurately

When it comes to solar panels, having enough required space is necessary. Before diving into the installation process, it’s essential to consider where the panels will be installed and how much space you have for them. Take a close look at your residential or place where you want to get the solar panel installation done before deciding the location for panel placement. Your roof might provide enough space. If not, placing panels in your yard could be an alternative. Opting for yard installation is smarter than crowding them on a tiny roof. 

Misjudging Energy Requirements

Before going for solar panel installation, knowing the energy requirements for your home or business is important. Seeking professional guidance is beneficial, as experts can translate your energy usage into the necessary solar power. Professionals assess diverse elements like solar efficiency in your location and your home’s size. This estimation ensures that the solar power generated will effectively cover your energy demands.

Inadequate System Design and Layout

A poorly planned solar panel setup can lead to numerous issues, including poor water drainage, shading problems, low efficiency, and heavy inverter loads. For optimal performance, your installer must design a system that maximizes sunlight exposure throughout the day. Common design errors involve placing panels in partial shade, improper rooftop panel orientation, and insufficient panel installations in a string to activate inverters.

Missing Out on Incentives

Understanding how incentives function in your favor when installing solar panels is crucial. For example, the federal tax credit isn’t a payment but a credit. You can use it only if you owe taxes. No taxes paid means no credit. Your chosen solar installer should know about all local incentives. They can assist in assessing your eligibility for these benefits.

Placing Panels Away from the Sun

It might sound surprising, but it’s a mistake that occurs. When deciding where to install solar panels, you must consider the sun’s position relative to your home. Having a professional’s input is crucial here. Although it seems like common sense, it’s more common than you’d imagine.

Neglecting System Monitoring

Many modern solar setups allow you to view your system’s performance graph on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. A monitoring system is crucial to ensure your system works as expected and yields the best returns on your investment.

Monitoring matters because it lets you easily confirm if your system is generating the expected power output. This assurance ensures you’re making the most of your investment in solar energy. By not setting up this monitoring feature, you risk missing out on vital insights into your system’s performance and potential issues.


Before starting the solar panel journey, it is important to avoid mistakes, as mentioned in this blog, to minimize the risks of installing solar panels. When contemplating a switch to solar, it is vital to make sure that you’ve thoroughly assessed and selected the right space and parameters for your solar panels to ensure both safety and efficiency.

It’s crucial to seek professional assistance by contacting a reputed company like Infinity Energy, which ensures you get the maximum benefit from your solar-powered home. Our expertise will help you achieve a more efficient and suitable solar panel setup tailored to your specific energy needs.