Go Solar in Voorheesville With Our Solar Panel Service

Hello from Infinity Energy! We're thrilled to introduce our outstanding solar panel service in Voorheesville. We're all about eco-friendly energy solutions, and we've designed a solar system just for you. Our skilled solar experts know how to create systems matching your needs and ensure your investment pays off big time. Your journey to sustainable energy starts with us!

Infinity Energy’s Trusted Solar Panel Service in Voorheesville

Voorheesville is a village in the Albany County of New York, United States named after a railroad attorney. This small village in New Scotland experiences mild and pleasant weather, with about 180 sunny days a year. Receiving this amount of sunny days is more than enough to optimize solar energy to its best potential. Imagine the number of homes and industries that can be powered when we harness this energy.
For this reason, Infinity Energy solar installers are here to help the residents of Voorheesville transition to solar energy. Our solar company offers the design and installation of a large range of solar panels, solar batteries, and microinverters. We are committed to delivering cost-effective, optimized solar solutions to you, from residential spaces to commercial industries and government organizations across New York.

A Guide to Our Step-by-Step Solar Panel Installation Services

At Infinity Energy, we've developed a unique and innovative solar energy system that maximizes the potential of solar power. Here's how we put this cutting-edge system to work on your property:

Evaluation and System Design

We start our solar panel installation process by thoroughly analyzing the energy requirements of your residential or commercial property. We create a custom solar panel system by carefully assessing your site and fully understanding your specific needs. This system meets your energy demands and ensures a financially beneficial return on your investment.


Rest assured; we handle all the necessary permits and paperwork on your behalf. Our solar installers handle everything, including securing installation permits, applying for tax incentives, and addressing Homeowners Associations requirements. Before proceeding to the last phase of solar panel installation services, we manage all the essential documentation, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process for you.

Installation & Activation

Lastly, we move forward with installing and activating your solar panels. Our team of skilled solar installers ensures the setup of your solar panel system with precision. Once the panels are successfully installed, we enable your access to this renewable energy source, providing you with clean and sustainable solar-powered electricity.

Why Infinity Energy?

At Infinity Energy, what sets us apart is our foundation of trust, care, and dedication. We've accomplished over 7,000 PV installations, including residential setups and numerous large-scale commercial projects nationwide.
When you opt for Infinity Energy to handle your solar panel installation, you can easily say that you'll receive professional guidance and expert insights. Your property is in capable hands with us as we approach the installation with meticulous care. Our keen eye for detail ensures you complete satisfaction with the outcome. We are firmly committed to assisting individuals in transitioning to clean energy and attaining lasting electricity savings.
Solar Panels

With a natural and seamless design, our solar panels blend smoothly with any roofing style, enhancing the visual appeal of your home.

IQ Batteries

The IQ Batteries offer a practical option, effectively storing solar-generated electricity to act as a reliable power source during electrical outages.

IQ8 Microinverters

Beneath each solar panel, our individual IQ8 microinverters provide a consistent and dependable power flow.

IQ Mobile App

Using our user-friendly IQ smartphone app, you can easily monitor the status and performance of the installed solar system at your convenience.

Choose A Plan That Works For You

Whether you choose to lease or purchase your solar system, our team will work hard
to ensure that you have the best looking solar panels and a energy system that
helps you save money for decades to come.
Monthly Lease
$0 $119
Only pay for the power
you produce.
No Down Payment
Owned by Lessor
Tax Incentives
Fixed Monthly Payment
25 Years to Pay Off
25 Year Warranty
Get Started
Finance to Own
$0 $249
Own Your System With No Upfront Costs
and Flexible Loan Options.
No Down Payment
Owned by You
Tax Incentives
Fixed Monthly Payment
Loan Duration 10, 15, 20, 25 Years
25 Year Warranty
Get Started
Cash 499
No Monthly Payments
Its Your System. You Own It.
Payment Due At Installation
Owned by You
No Monthly Payment
25 Year Warranty
Get Started

Calculate Your Savings

Use our solar calculator to see how much you can save by
switching to solar with Infinity Energy
Solar Calculator


We've compiled a list of common questions we receive about solar energy.
If you do not find an answer to your question below, please feel free to call us at 877-769-3713.

How do you range the costs associated with solar panel installation in Voorheesville?

Each solar system we install is uniquely designed to match your home’s requirements and optimize your roof’s solar potential. As a result, the cost of each project is tailored accordingly. The pricing for our PV installations can differ based on various factors, primarily influenced by the system’s size. Additionally, the overall expense of your solar project encompasses labor charges, materials, and equipment.

Given that every Infinity Energy solar panel service in Voorheesville is individually tailored, we conduct a site assessment before permitting and installing. Based on this evaluation, we determine the pricing for the installation. Our solar panel cost calculator is another helpful tool here to determine better about the size of solar panel you need.

What would be the extent of cost reduction for solar panels in New York when incorporating solar incentives?

Homeowners in New York, including Voorheesville, can benefit from a combination of federal, state, and local solar incentives that have the potential to offset as much as 70% of the expense associated with their solar panel installation. With offerings such as the federal solar tax credit, New York State solar tax credit, and various local incentives, the affordability of solar is significantly enhanced for residents of Voorheesville.

However, it’s important to note that solar policies are subject to change. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity presented by these advantageous tax credits and rebates while they are at their peak. Discover more about the incentives that your solar panel system could potentially qualify for.

How does solar panel installation impact the value of your property?

The installation of solar panels has the potential to positively influence property values in Voorheesville. As per data from the National Association of Realtors, the average increment in property values post-solar installation is roughly 4.1%. Rural regions like Voorheesville in New York tend to experience a more substantial increase, averaging around 5.4%. To know more about solar incentives in New York, click here.

How often do I need to clean and maintain my solar panels in Voorheesville?

Solar panels require minimal maintenance, with the most prevalent concern being the accumulation of dirt and debris on its surface. The frequency of cleaning depends on your geographical location, climate, surroundings, and weather patterns. If you reside in an area like Voorheesville, prone to stormy seasons, you might need to clean your panels more frequently during that period.  

Solar companies generally recommend cleaning your solar panels at least twice annually, regardless of prevailing weather conditions or geographic settings. This practice minimizes the likelihood of excessive dirt and debris buildup on your panels. 

Don't see an answer to your question?

Our solar experts are always happy to help you with whatever inquiries, comments, or concerns you have.

Location Name

Voorheesville, NY

Contact Us

+91 365-25362-356